Key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves treatment with hair-thin, sterile needles placed in certain points to offer general pain relief and restore the natural flow of chi.
Therapy in which specific Acupuncture points are injected with natural compounds to stimulate the body’s natural process to heal.
Chinese Medicine (Herbology)
Herbal therapy that is prescribed in small doses to help treat diseases and restore balance to the body.
“Like cures like” belief that the body can cure itself with the use of herbs, plants, and minerals to treat health problems.
Remedies of biological compounds placed in to the 2nd layer of skin or a muscle within the body to help stimulate natural healing.
Naturopathic Medicine
Natural remedies with the use of herbs and nutrition to the help the body heal itself and prevent health conditions from occurring.
Laser Therapy (Luminex Cold Laser / Celluma Laser)
Low-intensity levels of light that do not heat the body’s tissue and stimulate healing.
Smoking Cessation (Auricular Acupuncture)
“Quitting Smoking” with just 5 acupuncture-based sessions to help kick the habit as well as alleviate withdrawal symptoms and prevent weight gain associated with quitting.
Nutritional Counseling / Weight Loss
Personalized diet and nutrition advice to help support ones needs to form healthy eating habits, establish weight loss goals, and promote overall self well-being.
Lab Testing
Targeted testing to find out exactly what your body needs at a cellular level.
We also offer:
- Aqua Detox
- Cupping
- MPS Dolphin
- Raindrop Therapy
- Moxibustion or “Moxa”
- TDP Infrared Heat Lamp
— Call 727-541-2211 if you would like to know more! —